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To @50Cent


“@50cent What’s good 50, I can’t sleep either, and for good reason: I just read for Jesse Terrero and Barbara Fiorentino for a project that I will respectfully not name. I have never sent a message like this to anybody in the industry before, and I probably shouldn’t, especially when it could potentially be read accidentally by a million people: But uh, I don’t really care. If by any chance you DO actually read this, it will save me the time needed to gather the composure to say it to you in person: I channeled just a small particle of the torrential STORM that rages in my mind and spirit, in that small audition room today, and while I want to believe with all of my heart that you will see it, my experience tells me there is always a strong possibility that you won’t. I have never had any training, never studied acting, in fact, often when I am asked what exactly is it that I do for a living, I still find myself reluctant to refer to myself as an actor. Because of some poor decisions, like accidentally spending a million or two and going a little overboard on Tattoo’s, I have found myself repeating the same role over and over, something I only recently have found the strength to admit, is entirely my fault. Fortunately, I still consider myself to be one of the best at what I do, which while some people would call it “Acting”, I can only truly describe it as: giving others a glimpse of my life and who I am. Today, I left a very small piece of myself on that tape, as I do on every audition, but only I know just how powerful, or personal that piece is. I wanted to treat this audition like many of the others I have had this pilot season, but as I write this, its clear that I can’t. I’ve been walking on air ever since I became aware of the possibility of working with you, and the inspiration I have gained from the opportunity alone, is truly humbling by itself. I didnt really see the chance, nor did I have the balls to ham it up and say it on tape, but I have been and continue to be a fan of yours since 98′. Saying that, brings back memories of me and my homeboy sitting in his bucket at 2 am, blasting “Ghetto Quran” and dreaming to one day meet you. At the time we felt like we were the only people who knew that you would eventually become the force of nature that you are today. I don’t believe in coincidence, nor do I believe that anyone is bound totally by destiny or fate. It is never too late to change, or to make things right. As an actor of 19 years, I want to tell you that your recent work and particularly, the extreme acts of passion and amazing dedication to the craft, as well as the difficult decisions and efforts you have made to show the world who you TRULY are, have spoke to me deeply, both as an actor and most of all, as a man. The hardest thing I have ever had to do, was to learn how to be myself. When I see someone like you, who, since a teenager, I have regarded as literally one of the hardest mothafuckas to ever live, sacrificing pieces of himself to pursue his dreams: It tells me that If I can learn to do the same, nothing is impossible. Someday, when we do work together, I will remember to thank you for this, God bless.”


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  1. “I hold a beast, an angel and a madman in me, and my enquiry is as to their working, and my problem is their subjugation and victory, downthrow and upheaval, and my effort is their self-expression.” (T. Dylan)
    You have an amazing gift. Unleash the storm and grant us a glimpse of what you are made off. Nothing less will do. Things will fall into place. You deserve it. God bless.

  2. Your writing is really something

  3. Your writings are really deep and reading them makes you feel warm around the hart,it feels like you let us see deep in your soul.And belive me Francis when i say that you are amazing person,who’s heart is on the right place,who’s soul is beautiful and you are someone with big heart,someone who have faith in god and let us all know we are a part of master plans,no metter wher life lead us to.I’m sure if 50Cent read that,thinks you are amazing and would be happy to work with you.It would be really intersting to see and hear Seize Cash and 50Cent on the same track or cd.God bless you Francis and please don’t ever change

  4. Sapphire says:

    Hi Francis
    How are you? This is the first time I have looked at your website and im glad I did
    I have recently hurt my ankle and cant walk and have been stuck at home.
    And TV has been awful so my Fiancé and friend have been giving me dvd collections to watch and one was 3 seasons of Veronica Mars to watch then I watched Hero’s and seen you in there also. So I wanted to find more stuff you where in.
    As you have a real special screen presence. im glad to read you did no acting training I think this helps make you very diiferent and real and soulful in your acting,
    I do hope you get the new job, you went for, and I look forward to your work in the future,
    I also thought from reading your web site you seem to be a very humble person.
    and I don’t know if you have ever heard of Desiderata – by Max Ehrmann Work but I thought u would maybe enjoy this poem of his.
    All the Best Francis 🙂

    From: Sapphire, Scotland U.K

    desiderata – by Max Ehrmann
    Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
    and remember what peace there may be in silence.
    As far as possible, without surrender,
    be on good terms with all persons.
    Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
    and listen to others,
    even to the dull and the ignorant,
    they too have their story.
    Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
    they are vexations to the spirit.
    If you compare yourself with others,
    you may become vain and bitter;
    for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
    Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
    Keep interested in your own career,
    however humble;
    it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
    Exercise caution in your business affairs,
    for the world is full of trickery.
    But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
    many persons strive for high ideals,
    and everywhere life is full of heroism.
    Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection.
    Neither be cynical about love,
    for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass.
    Take kindly to the counsel of the years,
    gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
    Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
    But do not distress yourself with imaginings.
    Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
    Beyond a wholesome discipline,
    be gentle with yourself.
    You are a child of the universe,
    no less than the trees and the stars;
    you have a right to be here.
    And whether or not it is clear to you,
    no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
    Therefore be at peace with God,
    whatever you conceive Him to be,
    and whatever your labors and aspirations,
    in the noisy confusion of life,
    keep peace in your soul.
    With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.
    Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.
    Max Ehrmann c.1920

  5. Hey Francis,

    I have really enjoyed watching you “all grown up” on Veronica Mars. I have to say that after seeing you act in such a great T.V. show, I am quite proud of you even though I am not your mother or even a member of your family. Its just so great to see someone going for what they want and brooking no quarter. I know that you have made some bad decisions in your life, but haven’t we all? I think its the best of us who are best at finding ways of handicapping ourselves.

    I must say that I am truly humbled by your writing, dude. You should sideline in journalism; you just seem to have that ability to breathe vitality and color into the mundane or the inarticulatable (is that a word?).

    Patti forwarded your email to me, thanks a lot for the note. It was good to hear from you after all of these years. Please tell your mother and sister that I said “hello there”. Tell Chanel,too,that I said good job on Veronica Mars. I laughed my ass off,at times.

  6. is even, we all believe in you my brother, and you deserve all these people here know as much as me, the most important thing is to never give up, everyone here knows you is a great artist or we would not today to tell you and support you, I have the same problem as you, and I know that it was hard, but you should never say never, and I give up…
    you to what for television, like music or whatever you love your god given talent but he does not say how ta s’serve, and you’t is served very well, we’re all with you here today and tomorrow, my English is not terible and I hope that you will be able to understand what I said.
    we do not know that’s bumped on, as you said fate brought us together, I know all the talent in you to you and I know the big heart you to al interior, and those two things are the most important, the wheel turns and this time with a friend of mine, we are working on a big TV series American scenario that will revolutionize television, we have invested significantly in this project to you or the Main actor in this series, even if it’s a long time since we work dessu I know that one day it will be for you.
    more I have invested my own album in history to have returned the money to buy all the storyboard, I also work next to finance the project and also to live.
    but I’m on and I believe in me and god in you to know I do not do that for nothing, we are looking for a lot of people for this project, everyone is welcome but it will be voluntary because it was not Money or very little, I guarantee you that the scenario will be great. and when we have finished the project and sold the series with the conditions that Francis Capra is the main player we have asser money to complete this project.
    we created a role specifically for you, and I’m sure you will love this role at least I hope so, but every day the same weekend we are dessu, we are two person, two brain but e have a large imagination to this project, the harder it ‘s time, we need a lot of time, you know you is like my brother and I never let my family leave me enough time and I promise you that everything will go much better now, I have confience in you, your talent,
    courage my brother, takes care and god bless…

  7. 24 hours.
    That’s what it took
    Amazing how 24 hours can change something deep inside of you.

    First, let me tell you, that from all you wrote here, “The hardest thing I have ever had to do, was to learn how to be myself” felt like a kick inside.
    Not a bad kick. The kind of kick wich you understand. And yet, you are ahead of me (you did learn)
    Lucky bastard 🙂

    But I may be lucky too
    You wrote here, wishing for someone else to read it, all of your feelings.
    Me? I can come here, and “kinda” talk to you
    I never expected anything like that, really. In my imagination, famous people like actors are nearly impossible to reach, to talk to, and won’t ever remember if you do. And you are an actor.
    And yet, in 24 hours someting changed
    And for some reason I did find your website
    And I’m forced to face it: you are something else

    I don’t say it just because.
    I have my reasons

    Go figure, a girl you know from nowhere, who is Portuguese, who lived in Italy, ends up somehow connected with you, on your website, with tears in her eyes because she doens’t know how to ..
    Oh well

    Believe it or not, you do send a piece of you on every ”act”, on every word
    I’m the living proof
    I know that because out of nowhere I dreamt of you.
    Nothing bad or weird.
    But it was you, it was that essense, that emerged on my random dream.
    (*giving everyone a reason to laugh here on the website*)
    And no, I didn’t knew your name, I didn’t had a crush on you – and somehow the real you showed up on a dream I had, where you made the diference, where what I saw had such a depth, such a strenght, such a.. damn how do you explain to someone that you saw THEM? The real person inside, that strong essense? That all of that emerged in a stupid dream, like it got burried inside of you just by seeing some tv shows? How do you explain that without sounding weird??

    Of course I will never see you, you will never talk with me, I am a no-one from Portugal indeed, quite invisible – that was not the point of what I wrote

    I just wanted you to know
    That it is true
    You do give a piece of yourself on what you do
    And I caught one of them
    I’m an artist myself, so I know knowing this will mean a lot to you

    And yes, that piece of you made me keep on thinking about you when I woke up.
    Made me research your name, and a couple other things about you
    And after reading your words here, I understood..

    Well, now all I have to do is to try to forget about you
    Because knowing YOU kinda made me fall for you, and let’s face it..
    I’m a no-one, you know nothing about me…
    You win with 2-1 😛 You are the lucky one once again
    There is more chance that 50~Cent will listen to you, understand you, and talk with you than you doing any of that to me

    I hope they read what you wrote
    There are a lot of amazing strong feelings on it
    You kinda opened your heart with it..


  8. Ok… I’m not the only one saying, I can see, but you’re a really gifted writter, as for a brilliant actor too. I used to think I couldn’t really provide people with good opinion about the actors and musicians I love, cause, well, I love them… You’re one of them. But, thinking clearly, I love you exactly because you’re good at what you do. So, with no shame or fear of being wrong in my judgement: man, you have some serious skills!!! You should consider not only acting (and please continue to do that so I can see you from time to time)but writting. Books, maybe. Or trying to do scripts (taking it to your field). You should really try to give more what’s inside your mind to the public, cause reading your blog we see there’s a lot going on there. And yeah, you shouldn’t settle with actor label. You’re much more than that, and I guess this is part of why you struggle defining you like that. When asked about your income, you can say: I create. One more thing… About tattos… Well, Mark Wahlberg has some too, and you can’t see them in a bunch of movies from him… Make up and computer work are there for it. Just give the auditioners all you got, all we the fans know for a fact that you are, and they will see that you are needed, and some make up expence would be nothing compared to the pleasure of seeing you in camera. Just try to think outside that box that some people put you, and I don’t know why… Like, the ‘latino tattooed bad guy’. We see more than that, so believe that you’re more than that, and show them that. Don’t you ever doubt, you’re right in saying you’re pretty good at what you do. Really!


  9. Moje stronnicze zdanie co prawda mo?e ma malutkie znaczenie, niemniej jednak w inny sposób podesz?abym do problemu. Aczkolwiek nie zmienia to faktu, ?e niezwykle to miejsce doceniam 😉

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